Monday, November 19, 2018

Why i m banned to ALL telegram groups and personal chat in telegran for 30 days?

I m only shared this .. only in ARB related telegram groups go and search it. Why i m banned from ALL telegram groups and personal chat? (and this may have happen with others arb investors too by a bot?). i m banned for 30 days in telegram groups, please help (old post)

  1. it is forbidden to share a link about YouTubers talking positive about ARB?
  2. it is forbidden share a TIP: "Accumulate ARB and HOLD." and sharing Arbitraging ARB blog link (so if somebody interested read more about ARB) ? 
  3. Why deleted CryptoSounds positive comment about me after all these days of silence about ARB Blog?
  4. Is a better out there project (positively) supporting ARB than ARB blog ? with more than 32000+ views and with so much ARB valued info? (its the only project that supporting Official ARB, all unofficial ARB projects  like wiki's, arb price, telegram groups, Youtubers talking about ARB, telegram admins messages, security and more) ? ( i wonder )