Saturday, November 3, 2018

Arbitraging mBOT - aBOT

"Arbitrage is the simultaneous buying and selling of securities, currency, or commodities in different markets or in derivative forms in order to take advantage of differing prices for the same asset." Warren Buffet
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn't...pays it." Albert Einstein 


Arbitrage definition from the Encarta dictionary:  "the simultaneous buying and selling of the same negotiables or commodities in different markets in order to make an immediate riskless profit"

What the automated bot (aBOΤ) does is automated arbitraging.  It buys on one exchange, and sells on another exchange, say BTC, and pockets the price difference less exchange fees as a profit.  It does this on many exchanges with many cryptos.  And so throughout a 24 hour period it has been gaining on average around 23% return per month.

Arbitraging is entirely different to the common directional trading, where you buy a crypto in the hopes it goes up in price, or sell it in the hopes it will drop.  That is high-risk speculation.

aBOT is set to not take a losing trade.  It knows all the costs involved for any particular arbitraging trade, and so takes the profitable ones and passes on the losing ones.

The aBOT is meant for long term passive income.  You buy ARB tokens, place them into the aBOT at the token price you feel is best for your investment (higher the better), and let your funds ride for years in the aBOT for daily passive income.  You can compound some or all daily earnings, or sell them, managing your funds with the auto-reinvest feature.

And here's the CEO's take on using the aBOT:
"ive always said best to go in abot, then get the daily arb then choose to hold or sell that arb run abot for a year or more and you win win win win"

So, welcome to ARB !

Read the FAQs on the landing page, and let us know in the main chat if you have any questions.  Take care for now.

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