Thursday, October 11, 2018

Arbitraging updates (10/12/2018) (update 5 + 2 videos)

"Pretty much Aribtraging is Risk free because you have your buying and selling price set at the time of the trade."

Arbitraging mBOT is coming soon ...

User Memberships

User level memberships are now live, you can see details and purchase PRO level inside your account tab under "Memberships"

Basic (FREE)
3 Order Cancel/Day (only Sell)
250 ARB/Day (Exchange Limit)
250 ARB/Hour (Earned Limit)
0% Discount on Exchange Fees
25000$ mBOT Limit/Day
Lifetime License

Pro (500$)
10 Order Cancel/Day (only Sell)
1000 ARB/Day (Exchange Limit)
1000 ARB/Hour (Earned Limit)
10% Discount on Exchange Fees
100000$ mBOT Limit/Day
Lifetime License

Exchange fee discount on PRO membership will return your membership fee over time in savings.

aBOT updates:

First, we are removing the 10 day rule of re-entering aBOT if you add to or stop aBOT.

So you may now add to aBOT whenever you wish, and you may also stop aBOT when you wish.

Second, we are adding 1 step to stopping the aBOT: you will now have an "aBOT STOP PRICE".* This price is the average value of tokens put into the aBOT by all users. This value will change with every token going in and out of the aBOT.

No change: All tokens going into the aBOT will still be given the “ARB Price in aBOT”. Also, all aBOT earning payouts will still be factored on the “ARB Price in aBOT”.

*This change will make the aBOT sustainable for the future. It also allows all users to see the “aBOT Stop Price” going in, allowing you to make a sound decision on your game plan going forward with aBOT.

Arbitraging Team

1- aBOT limits removed - (no 10 day limit, no aBOT stoppage limit)
2- aBOT exit price will be caluculated as such: aBOT price = (Average price of token deposit in aBOT) + (Some other calculations)
3- Buy Limits of 200 ETH per Hour per User
4- User Level System to be implemented with a 1-time lifetime fee (Standard, Pro and Pro+) - Will allow greater platform rights e.g. Unlimited Selling volume, etc….
5- mBOT due to come out within the next 3 days

more info 

[Forwarded from ARB Official Channel]
aBOT updates:
First, we are removing the 10 day rule of re-entering aBOT if you add to or stop aBOT.
So you may now add to aBOT whenever you wish, and you may also stop aBOT when you wish.
Second, we are adding 1 step to stopping the aBOT: you will now have an "aBOT STOP PRICE".* This price is the average value of tokens put into the aBOT by all users. This value will change with every token going in and out of the aBOT.
No change:  All tokens going into the aBOT will still be given the “ARB Price in aBOT”. Also, all aBOT earning payouts will still be factored on the “ARB Price in aBOT”.
*This change will make the aBOT sustainable for the future. It also allows all users to see the “aBOT Stop Price” going in, allowing you to make a sound decision on your game plan going forward with aBOT.
Thanks, Arbitraging Team

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